Turkey Citizenship (Property Option)
You can invest US$400,000 and be a Turkish citizen in less than 2 months. This makes you eligible to get a Turkish passport. Hundreds of applicants submit applications for residency every month to be a part of Turkish citizenship through the property option. This is the easiest and quickest process of making yourself and your family a part of Turkish citizenship. This program was launched in 2016.
A minimum of $250,000 should be invested in government-approved real estate property. There are other opportunities as well however, this is the quickest way to get Turkish citizenship. You should not sell this investment and keep it for a minimum of three years with you. There are investment options such as investing $500,000 in government bonds at a minimum for at least 3 years. You can start a company that can employ at least 50 employees.
Or you can invest in the form of capital of $500,000. Another option for investment is that you can deposit $500,000 in a Turkish bank and keep the funds there for at least three years.
For this, you must be an adult with no criminal record. You must have these funds received legally. You never stayed in Turkey illegally. All the due diligence for your investment must be complete.
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